The facts about energy theft
Energy theft costs utilities and their customers billions of dollars nationwide each year. It's honest customers who end up paying the bulk of these costs in the form of higher rates. Just as shoplifting creates higher prices on the products you buy, the same holds true for the utilities you depend on daily.
In addition to financial damages caused by utility theft, it also presents a safety hazard to persons and property. The actions taken to steal electricity often create fire hazards that not only endanger the person stealing the power, but also neighboring homes and families. An exposed wire caused by theft also can pose a danger to children and pets.
It is both a crime and a safety issue to tamper with an electric meter with the intent to restore your electric service. Duquesne Light takes this matter very seriously, and you can prosecute anyone found to have tampered with an electric meter or a meter-locking device.
What Can I Do?
Please contact the Duquesne Light (DLC) Energy Diversion Department if you observe any of the following:
- A person other than a DLC employee working on a meter.
- A person other than a DLC employee digging near underground lines or tampering with overhead power lines.
- Someone bragging about how low their energy consumption or energy bills are because of bypassing their meter.
- Someone running an extension cord to a residence that has had its power shut off.
- Anyone who appears to be using electricity, despite having had his or her power shut off.
By reporting these types of incidents, you can help prevent safety and fire hazards, reduce the effect energy theft has on your utility bill, and enable us to contact these customers to provide legal and safe ways to have their power restored. Oftentimes, there are assistance programs available that the customers may be unaware of before resorting to energy theft.
Reporting Energy Theft
With your help, Duquesne Light can prevent energy theft from affecting your safety and your utility costs. If you suspect energy theft please submit the form below or contact the Duquesne Light Energy Diversion Department at 412-393-1775 or email us directly at All information is confidential and may be submitted anonymously. If you wish to be contacted please include your name and number.